
Gladiator: Quest for the Rudis, arena combat for 1-4 players

Created by Nocturnal Media

Each gladiator has a unique card deck in this huge board game where historical accuracy meets thrilling tabletop tactics & action.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Adding Shipping to Pledges
over 9 years ago – Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 09:25:43 AM

You'll recall from the start of the project that I planned to not charge shipping during the course of funding. The reasoning here is that your shipping payment doesn't actually help fund the project because it's a cost to me that I simply pass along to you. Shipping charges don't pay for printing or artwork or editing. So collecting it during the course of the project can skew the results.

Well, as we sit with under a week to go and about 75% funded, I'll take a little skewing. Most tabletop projects see a big spike in pledges in the final days, but I don't want to wait until then to see that we're going to come up just a little bit short.

Therefore, if you wish to go ahead and include your shipping charge with your pledge, then please do so. I also understand that it is simply easier for some people to take care of this during the course of the project.

Simply select to "Manage Your Pledge" and add the appropriate amount from below. The first number provided is the shipping cost for a starter set and the second figure is the cost for a full version. So, the vast majority of you should add $18 to your pledge amount to cover shipping within the USA and also to Canada and the EU.

While you're at this, you may consider adding $10 to get all four of the Famous Gladiators and their special Attack and Defend cards. An update specifically about these four gladiators is forthcoming, but I figured it didn't hurt to remind you now!

Shipping Charges

  • Asia $22 // $30
  • Canada $14 // $18
  • Europe & UK $14 // $18
  • Mexico $22 // $30
  • Oceania $22 // $30
  • South America $26 // $35
  • USA $14 // $18

over 9 years ago – Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 11:19:30 AM

(For now anyway...!)

261 backers, $20,019, 14 hours remaining.... whew!

So long as we keep moving more forward than anyone who cancels takes us backwards, Gladiator: Quest for the Rudis will happen.

Thanks very much to everyone for all the support, for adding to your pledges so quickly today, and for believing in Jim's game design. I believe you'll be very pleased with this game.

Stretch Goal of $22k Added

The stretch goal of $25k seems very unlikely, but if we make it to $22k, then I'll ask Jim to expand the Barbarian vs. Dire Wolf Deck to 10 Attack & Defend cards each so either of those characters can be an opponent for a gladiator too. (This will be news to Jim when he reads this update...!) Everyone who also backed Immortal (and so gets this add-on deck free) or purchased this deck as an add-on will get the expanded version of the deck at no extra cost.

So add those add-ons and get us there!

But mostly, thanks very much.

Assorted Rumblings & Ramblings
over 9 years ago – Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 07:11:39 PM

We're having a great day today. Welcome to all the tyros and thanks to the veteranus!

I have a list of odd bits to toss at you. Respond or react as you wish!

1. Should I make another Add-On available? We already have the $10 Famous Gladiators and the $7 Barbarian vs. Dire Wolf. We're closing in on funding, but a boost via another Add-On might be helpful. I'm thinking about pulling the HTH Deck (the former $40k stretch goal that I pulled a while ago) and offering a slightly expanded version as an Add-On. The deck had been 20 cards, but Jim wants to increase it to 30 to cover boxing and wrestling elements (and he mentioned cestus too!). Would you like these 30 cards offered as a new Add-On? No artwork is required, so probably $10 for these, and maybe then $25 for all three Add-Ons. Too much? Or do you want every available means to help us fund?

2. I mentioned tyros above, and I'm definitely a Reddit tyro. Still, I posted in the boardgames subreddit earlier today. Would you help by going to the Reddit post and upvote it?

3. I've been encouraging our RPG backers to consider trying GQR too, but I should encourage you GQR backers to take advantage of the RPG sale. King Arthur Pendragon is a classic RPG and the PDF is available for just $5 as a pledge to support this project. Normally $19.99, this game truly belongs in the collection of any gamer who enjoys RPGs as well as board & card games. There is also outstanding Scarred Lands fantasy RPG material.

4. Lots of you have already added shipping to your pledge, but it would be helpful at this point if everyone would log in and manage your pledge for the additional $18 (or whatever is the correct rate to your habitation).

5. Forty hours from the end! Thanks for all your help and support so far, but please keep it going. Are you on social media? Please tell your friends about this game one more time. Thanks!

Famous Gladiators: $10 Add-On
over 9 years ago – Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 07:07:51 PM

A special 20-card of Famous Gladiators is available as a $10 Add-On. This is four gladiator cards (one of each type) and each has two special Attack cards and two special Defend cards.

You saw them both yesterday, but I have an updated version of Flamma, so I am going to post both gladiators again.

Spartacus, the famous thraex.
Spartacus, the famous thraex.
Flamma, the famous secutor.
Flamma, the famous secutor.

These are rough mock-ups, but here is an example of one each of Flamma's special Attack and Defend cards.

Four new characters with all-new artwork! The $10 you add for the Famous Gladiators will help us reach our funding goal and you'll have mighty warriors to battle in your arena.

Expanded Examples of Play Video
over 9 years ago – Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 06:47:19 PM

Just in time for the all-important final 48 hours of our project, here's game designer Jim Trunzo's longer video of game-play examples. The entire piece is about 26 minutes long, though I do add a little fluff at the end that GQR veterans will recall from the first video.

It's far from a polished piece, but as Jim breaks down various parts of a turn, you'll begin to get an idea of the complexities of Gladiator: Quest for the Rudis. We hope you enjoy it!

I'll also post this to BGG, but where else should I link this?

Here's the direct link: